Life will always be hardest when we upgrade to a new level of consciousness.

This my friends is EXACTLY what is happening for me AGAIN!

Lonely, triggered, my shadow is rising, releasing layers is painful and it feels like the dark night of the soul…..

Upgrades, not knowing who you are, not feeling aligned, feeling lost along the way. Needing to retreat, reflect and process, needing to let go and heal.

Clinging on to the old version of you, old habits, thoughts and emotions will create more pain, anxiety and frustration. Be brave, breathe out fear of letting go, and step right into the real you.

Keep Hydrated ☑️

Grounding is vital ☑️

Allow the energy to flow through you ☑️

Be kind and gentle with you ☑️

Self heal☑️

Rest ☑️

With it comes new light, deeper understanding, wisdom and refound knowledge. Meaning clearer, purer energy and an even stronger connection for you.

I am stepping up another gear, which means those who are aligned to me are likely to be too.

I’m stepping into the best version of me.

Reach out, I will hold your hand.

Together We Rise 🙏

Much love and healing hugs


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