How can Healing transform your life?

How can Healing transform your life?

Living a life that doesn’t serve you can be painful, draining, and restrictive. A healing session with me will help you to face the emotional demons that are holding you in the energetic vibration often caused by trauma. I use my intuitive insights, hypnosis...
In person appointment, what to expect.

In person appointment, what to expect.

I want to make you aware that prior to a face-to-face appointment with me, certain boxes need to be ticked. Over the past 18 months, during the Covid -19 pandemic, rules and regulations have been brought in to help stop the spread of disease. The policies, procedures,...
The value of an energy exchange

The value of an energy exchange

Occasionally the question is asked ‘why do I charge for my services, when it doesn’t cost me to give a reading or healing’ Well the truth is, energy isn’t free, and we should learn to spend our energy wisely. Everything we do costs us time and...
I am back!

I am back!

I have been giving myself some much needed time for reflection, alignment, love and nurture. Some of you may already know that I have been through a time of feeling vulnerable, questioned my path and my purpose, and at times questioned who I am connecting with. Being...
What is Light Language?

What is Light Language?

Light language is a multi dimensional Universal language, understood by our heart not our human mind. I began speaking light language openly in April 2021, although I have been speaking it in my head for much of my life without realising. I am told by the...
Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

Did you know that when we work back through the layers of our insecurities and self-limiting beliefs, more often than not we arrive back at our childhood, situations and experiences that are imprinted and impacting on our lives today? Are you ready to heal the past...