Divine Angelic Resonance

Divine Angelic Resonance

What is Divine Angelic Resonance? It is a healing energy channelled directly from the higher beings of light, the Galactic Councils, the Greater community, and the highest Angelic light. For those familiar with Reiki and Angelic Healing, Divine Angelic Resonance, DAR...
Healing Catalogue

Healing Catalogue

Hello everyone. You may or may not be aware that I offer a number of healing modalities. To make it easier for you to decide which one would benefit you the most, I have created a catalogue to help you, sharing snippets of my main ones. All prices can be found in the...
Why is there a noticeable change in my consciousness

Why is there a noticeable change in my consciousness

Today I saw a post on Facebook which led me to this realisation. When I read back through Facebook memories I cringe at the person I once was! How I would blame others for my unhappiness, how I was more aligned to being the victim than I am now. Other humans would...
The Soul Portal

The Soul Portal

The doors to The Soul Portal monthly membership are open! 2/2/2022 sees the opening/ activation of the universal portal of truth and awakening. The Day I opened my membership! Step into The FABULOUS YOU! The commitment that you make to yourself is your best investment...
Refund and Cancellation Reminder

Refund and Cancellation Reminder

A polite reminder. I have had to navigate a few hiccups with clients recently, and it comes with sadness that I need to write this message once more. Please remember that when you book an appointment with me, be it online or in person, you are paying for the time...
Distant Empowerments & Attunements.

Distant Empowerments & Attunements.

For many years Jo has helped her students to integrate new spiritual energy into their lives through distant attunements and empowerments. Jo runs regular group sessions via Zoom. Please look on the facebook page for more details, or contact her direct. Attunements...