Back to School Distant Healing

Back to School Distant Healing

Do you have a school age child who is feeling anxious, worried or distressed about the new term? Maybe it’s the start of a new school, class, teacher, or friends. Maybe its food, separation or being part of a crowd. Maybe its new subjects, a bus ride, or exams....
Spiritual Healing or Reiki?

Spiritual Healing or Reiki?

Do I need Spiritual healing or Reiki? If you are feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or unbalanced in your life, you may have wondered if spiritual healing or reiki could help you. These are two popular forms of alternative therapy that claim to heal your body,...
What is Ego?

What is Ego?

Hey, welcome to my blog! Today I want to talk about something that I think affects many of us: the ego. The question that many people ask themselves, especially when they are trying to improve their self-esteem, relationships, or happiness. Ego is the part of your...
Self-discovery and the Fifth Dimension

Self-discovery and the Fifth Dimension

The cosmic energies are sure leading us into the next version of ourselves right now, can you feel it? Everything is accelerating at a speed we haven’t seen before, it’s incredible, it maybe even feeling a little scary, but it is happening, it is real, and we are not...
Going Home, My Path & My Purpose

Going Home, My Path & My Purpose

Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you how things have been swirling around in my head following contact from a friend, who is going through a difficult time knowing that a close family member is reaching the end of life. For a long time, I have known that part of my...