Where is the old version of me?

Where is the old version of me?

Here’s my story. Once upon a time, there was a confident, competent, enthusiastic business woman, who had the focus and determination to be the best person that she could be. As the years went on she lost sight of who she really is, she has noticed that her...
The High Vibe Therapist

The High Vibe Therapist

For many years I have been searching for a title that describes me and the work that I do. Over the years I have called myself a Healer, a Reiki Master, a Lightarian Facilitator, a Psychic Medium, a Holistic Therapist, a Baby Massage Instructor, a Guide, an Angel...
Why has my reading style changed?

Why has my reading style changed?

Over the years the way I connect and deliver messages to you from spirit has changed. As we expand our consciousness and grow spiritually of course it brings change. Many years ago, when I first began to offer readings, I would give myself the label of a Psychic...
You are never to old to set a new goal.

You are never to old to set a new goal.

I originally posted this image on facebook back in 2015, as I had recently changed my business name to Rainbow Wings. Sitting in a local coffee shop, with my right arm man enjoying a relaxed coffee and a business chat, Andy looked at me and said “You need an...
How did Jo Find Her Truth?

How did Jo Find Her Truth?

Being born spiritually awake (in Worcester, UK) meant that Jo was seeing and sensing energies from early childhood. She spent her childhood feeling different, lonely and that she didn’t fit in. She was aware of the energy around her but wasn’t ever able to able to...
Today is a day to be thankful

Today is a day to be thankful

For those of you who don’t know, and those of you that do, today is the annual return! On 5th Feb 2004 my heroes saved my life at the QE hospital in Birmingham. On 5th February 2004, I left for work as I did on any normal weekday, unaware how my life would take a...