Hey, welcome to my blog! Today I want to talk about something that I’ve been thinking a lot about lately: sitting in power. What does that mean and how can you do it?


Sitting in power is a concept that I learned from a book called The Power of Presence by Amy Cuddy. It’s about how you can use your body language and posture to project confidence, authority and charisma in any situation. It’s not about being aggressive or dominant, but about being authentic and comfortable with yourself.


Sitting in power means that you adopt a posture that is open, relaxed and expansive. You take up space with your arms and legs, you keep your back straight and your chest open, you make eye contact and smile. You don’t cross your arms or legs, you don’t slouch or hunch, you don’t fidget or look away. You act as if you belong there and you have something valuable to say.


Why is this important? Because sitting in power can change how you feel and how others perceive you. Research has shown that sitting in power can boost your testosterone levels, which are linked to confidence and assertiveness, and lower your cortisol levels, which are linked to stress and anxiety. It can also make you more persuasive, likable and influential, because people tend to trust and respect those who appear confident and comfortable.


So how can you practice sitting in power?

Here are some tips that I’ve found helpful:

– Start with your feet. Plant them firmly on the ground, about shoulder-width apart. This will give you a stable base and a sense of balance.

– Move up to your hips. Align them with your shoulders and avoid tilting them forward or backward. This will help you keep your spine straight and avoid lower back pain.

– Move up to your chest. Lift it up slightly and open it up. This will help you breathe deeply and relax your shoulders.

– Move up to your head. Keep it level and look straight ahead. This will help you avoid tension in your neck and show that you are attentive and engaged.

– Move up to your face. Smile genuinely and make eye contact with whoever you are talking to. This will help you convey warmth and friendliness.


You can practice sitting in power at home, in front of a mirror or a camera, or with a friend or a coach. You can also practice it in different situations, such as meetings, presentations, interviews, dates or social events. The more you practice, the more natural it will become.


Sitting in power is not about pretending to be someone else or manipulating others. It’s about expressing your true self and feeling good about it. It’s about being present, confident and powerful in any situation.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and stay tuned for more posts from me, I hope you found it useful. As always, I welcome comments and feedback, and please do share with anyone else who might enjoy the read. And don’t forget you can subscribe to my blog for more tips on personal development.

Until next time, love and blessings






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