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2020 – what did you mean?

2020 – what did you mean?

A year ago today we had no idea how our whole lives would change. Stay at home, save lives, social distance, stay alert, markings on the ground, daily press conferences, queuing to enter a supermarket, stockpiling, lockdowns and queuing online to fight for a super...

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I took down the barriers & became myself

I took down the barriers & became myself

Stepping out of your comfort zone and 'coming out' can be a scary and daunting thought. I began my public Spiritual journey as Indigo Iris, often known as Indie - it was too big for me to put my face or my name to what I did. Was I good enough? What would people think...

Angel Guidance

Angel Guidance

What to expect from an Angel Guidance Appointment. Firstly, you will be taken on a short, guided meditation to connect with your Angels, guides and loved ones. Jo will then connect to you on a soul level with the help of both yours and her angels and guides. Here you...