Welcome to my Blog

News, information, & Resources

You are never to old to set a new goal.

You are never to old to set a new goal.

I originally posted this image on facebook back in 2015, as I had recently changed my business name to Rainbow Wings. Sitting in a local coffee shop, with my right arm man enjoying a relaxed coffee and a business chat, Andy looked at me and said "You need an Academy"....

I am back!

I am back!

I have been giving myself some much needed time for reflection, alignment, love and nurture. Some of you may already know that I have been through a time of feeling vulnerable, questioned my path and my purpose, and at times questioned who I am connecting with. Being...

What is Light Language?

What is Light Language?

Light language is a multi dimensional Universal language, understood by our heart not our human mind. I began speaking light language openly in April 2021, although I have been speaking it in my head for much of my life without realising. I am told by the 'Angelics'...

Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing

Did you know that when we work back through the layers of our insecurities and self-limiting beliefs, more often than not we arrive back at our childhood, situations and experiences that are imprinted and impacting on our lives today? Are you ready to heal the past...

How did Jo Find Her Truth?

How did Jo Find Her Truth?

Being born spiritually awake (in Worcester, UK) meant that Jo was seeing and sensing energies from early childhood. She spent her childhood feeling different, lonely and that she didn’t fit in. She was aware of the energy around her but wasn’t ever able to able to...

Jo Kelsall Neal’s Yard Remedies Independent Consultant

Jo Kelsall Neal’s Yard Remedies Independent Consultant

Hi  Everyone, I have been a Neal's Yard Remedies independent consultant for a number of years, and although I no longer host parties, I am still very much in love with the numerous blue & brown bottles and jars  that keep finding their way into my home! I first...

Today is a day to be thankful

Today is a day to be thankful

For those of you who don’t know, and those of you that do, today is the annual return! On 5th Feb 2004 my heroes saved my life at the QE hospital in Birmingham. On 5th February 2004, I left for work as I did on any normal weekday, unaware how my life would take a...

A New Healing Energy

A New Healing Energy

Divine Angelic Resonance is here! Jo has been channelling a beautiful, gentle and powerful healing energy, now identified as Divine Angelic Resonance. It appears to have been gifted to us from higher dimensional beings, here to awaken our spiritual senses to a higher...

Manifest your dreams

Manifest your dreams

Vision boards are a wonderful tool for manifestation – learn how this simple technique can enable you to live the life that you are dreaming of. You will be taken on a short meditation journey to discover what it feels like to live your perfect life. During this...

January Sale

January Sale

The January sale is now here! Start the year with some self care - treat yourself to a reading, healing, angel guidance or angel healing appointment. Discounts on distant appointments only. Visit the shop for full details.