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News, information, & Resources

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

We hear the word Gratitude a lot these days, but what does it mean? Showing our gratitude, our thanks, our appreciation are all similar things, its nothing new, and let’s face it, we were all taught manners, how to say please and thank you from a very young age. It...

Finding inner peace

Finding inner peace

Walking alone in the sunshine is an easy way to find your inner peace. Walking away from the energy of others, however much we love them is sometimes necessary for our own wellbeing. Mum is finding today particularly difficult, and that takes its toll on me, living...

The High Vibe Therapist

The High Vibe Therapist

For many years I have been searching for a title that describes me and the work that I do. Over the years I have called myself a Healer, a Reiki Master, a Lightarian Facilitator, a Psychic Medium, a Holistic Therapist, a Baby Massage Instructor, a Guide, an Angel...

When are you in your happy place?

When are you in your happy place?

So often we find ourselves fitting in with other people’s idea of happy such crowded places, noisy environments and meeting others to make them happy, keeping the peace

Skincare products.

Skincare products.

Over the last few months, I have been trying out various leading skincare brands. I have to say that I keep returning to my favourite Hydrating Rose by Neals Yard, here's why. It is organic and smells gorgeous. It soaks into your skin without leaving a thick, sticky...

Divine Angelic Resonance

Divine Angelic Resonance

What is Divine Angelic Resonance? It is a healing energy channelled directly from the higher beings of light, the Galactic Councils, the Greater community, and the highest Angelic light. For those familiar with Reiki and Angelic Healing, Divine Angelic Resonance, DAR...

Upgrades and New Light

Upgrades and New Light

Life will always be hardest when we upgrade to a new level of consciousness. This my friends is EXACTLY what is happening for me AGAIN! Lonely, triggered, my shadow is rising, releasing layers is painful and it feels like the dark night of the soul..... Upgrades, not...

My brand new shiny Signature Sessions are here!

My brand new shiny Signature Sessions are here!

Online appointments to help heal, balance and align you with your soul purpose. They are available on Zoom and last up to 90 minutes. If you are looking for a way to unleash the old you, and to move forward on your healing journey, these sessions are for you. Click...

Healing Catalogue

Healing Catalogue

Hello everyone. You may or may not be aware that I offer a number of healing modalities. To make it easier for you to decide which one would benefit you the most, I have created a catalogue to help you, sharing snippets of my main ones. All prices can be found in the...

Why is there a noticeable change in my consciousness

Why is there a noticeable change in my consciousness

Today I saw a post on Facebook which led me to this realisation. When I read back through Facebook memories I cringe at the person I once was! How I would blame others for my unhappiness, how I was more aligned to being the victim than I am now. Other humans would...