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The benefits of spiritual meditation 

The benefits of spiritual meditation 

Meditation is not just a way to relax your body and mind, but also a way to connect with your inner self and the divine. Spiritual meditation is a practice that helps you to access your higher consciousness, where you can experience peace, joy, wisdom and love....

Where is the old version of me?

Where is the old version of me?

Here's my story. Once upon a time, there was a confident, competent, enthusiastic business woman, who had the focus and determination to be the best person that she could be. As the years went on she lost sight of who she really is, she has noticed that her confidence...

What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog where I share my passion for holistic wellness and natural healing. Today I want to talk to you about a topic that is very close to my heart: Reiki. What is Reiki, you may ask? Well, let me tell you all about it! Reiki is a form of...

How can colour help you?

How can colour help you?

Did you know that each colour has its own frequency? The majority of us are fortunate enough to see the beauty of colour all around us, even if we cant see it, we can still benefit from it's beauty. Colour therapy was my very first training course in holistic therapy,...

Spiritual Harmony Dating

Spiritual Harmony Dating

Hello, my name is Anna, I am based in the UK, and I have been part of the spiritual community since 2016, I run Spiritual Harmony Dating and Angelic Encounters Aura Imaging Although my spiritual awakening happened when I was 16 years old. My spiritual experience was...

What does a ‘high vibration ‘ actually mean?

What does a ‘high vibration ‘ actually mean?

Living a high vibe life, is living your best life. Everyone and everything is energy, and energy has varying frequencies and vibrations.In general, the more ‘high vibe’ we are, the more positive and uplifted we feel, the more positive we are, the more we raise our...

What is Divine Angelic Resonance?

What is Divine Angelic Resonance?

It's a High Vibe Therapy or a High Vibe Reset!It was channelled by me, Joanna Kelsall in 2021 at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. this higher dimensional healing energy is here to awaken your spiritual senses and provide deep transformational healing for your...

The Mysterious Void Of Course Moon

The Mysterious Void Of Course Moon

Author: Sherry MacBeth A few people have asked me what the deal is with Void of Course Moon phases, how they can affect us and what we can do, or refrain from doing, during these brief times. We already know that the Moon can affect us on an emotional level, and how...

We are more than just a physical body

We are more than just a physical body

We are more than just a physical body, we are made up of energy frequencies and vibrations. We are cellular, we are DNA, we are water, we are thoughts, we are emotions, we are skeleton, in fact a human body is quite magnificent. When we move deeper than our human...

I am aligning fully to my services.

I am aligning fully to my services.

Over the years and through experience it has become clear to me that sometimes we only get the information from spirit that they want us to hear. Have you ever been left in hope, when deep down you already know the truth? Maybe they do this to protect us, but in my...